Thursday, 10 September 2015


Has anyone else noticed that the UK's attitude towards digital education is finally starting to change? Slowly but surely it seems progress is finally being made, media platforms are starting to educate us in the need to embrace the new technology that is out there. It feels as if society is slowly entering an era of digital change. We have witnessed the advancement of technology like your average runner witnesses Usain in lane one, as a majority we just haven't been able to keep up! These days it's great to see that there is a push towards learning code, experimenting with computer circuit boards and a general teaching in the workings of apps, games and digital technology. Europe is starting to wake up and take action! That is of no surprise when you read articles that suggest Europe will face a significant shortfall of almost one million ICT professionals by 2020 if we don't start to produce more tech-savy individuals. 

It's great to see so many creative educational tools out there today that will introduce you to these digital technologies. So Signals is rounding up the best of these and we are going to make sure that YOU are plugged in. Our event Plug-In is our answer to this problem! Plug-In is a 3 day event that explores new digital technologies that are being used as educational tools. The tools are great fun and inspire people to explore these digital technologies further. The three day digital symposium will take place at Signals Media Arts Centre from 20th-22nd October. The event will bring people together and educate them in todays digital tech through, talks, workshops and practical sessions. Over the days we will be exploring RaspberryPi, SonicPi, games, Apps, Makey Makey, Little bits etc. So if you feel like your behind or want to see what innovative digital technology is out there then don't hesitate to come along to our Plug'In event! Keep your eyes out for posts on what each day has to offer and videos on the digital technology we will be exploring.

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