Monday, 6 July 2015

Trail Blazers

Hello there lovely people!

This summer holiday let your children experience something new everyday, in the world of animation, art and drama! This innovative session grants children to break free and connect with their creativity and imagination.  They will also get a glimpse of all that goes on behind the scenes at an art gallery, an arts centre, a theatre and a media centre. 

This session is divided into two groups, according to the age of 6-8 years and 9-11 years. So for all the young creative minds out there, this would be the perfect opportunity to expand your creative knowledge within a safe, professional and fun studio environment. At the end of the week, participants receive an Arts Award and get to share their work with friends and family!

For more information and also to book a place call Mercury Theatre Ticket Sales on 1206 573 948 or you can book online at (Some bursaries available, please ask when booking).

Sessions and Age: Arts Award Discover (6-8 years); Arts Award Explore (9-11 years)

Date: Monday 10th – Friday 14th August 2015

Timings: Arts Award Discover from 10:00am – 12:30pm
               Arts Award Explore from 1:30pm – 4:30pm

Rate: £60 per child

Locations: Firstsite, Mercury Theatre, Colchester Arts Centre and Signals Media Arts Centre. 

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